Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s son, Aryan Khan, is set to make his directorial debut with a new series for Netflix, scheduled for release in 2025. The announcement was made by Netflix on November 19, 2024, during an event in Los Angeles showcasing upcoming international titles. Produced by Gauri Khan under the banner of Red Chillies Entertainment, the series is tentatively titled ‘Stardom’ and will focus on the experiences of an ambitious outsider in the film industry.
Shah Rukh Khan expressed his excitement about this project, highlighting its fresh narrative that explores the challenges faced by newcomers in Bollywood. He described the series as “all heart, all hustle, and a whole lot of entertainment.” The show promises to blend high-stakes drama with self-aware humour and will feature cameo appearances from notable figures in the industry, including Shah Rukh Khan himself, Ranbir Kapoor, and Karan Johar.
Monika Shergill, Vice President of Content at Netflix India, praised Aryan’s bold directorial vision and stated that the series would be a unique addition to their offerings. This project marks the sixth collaboration between Netflix and Red Chillies Entertainment, following successful titles like ‘Darlings’ and ‘Bard of Blood’. Aryan Khanโs entry into direction has generated considerable buzz on social media, with netizens expressing both excitement and playful scepticism regarding his debut.
As fans eagerly await more details about ‘Stardom’, Aryan Khan is poised to carve out his own identity in the competitive world of Indian cinema.